24.2.2009 | 15:59
Annað lag af væntanlegri plötu Yeah Yeah Yeah´s - Its Blitz
Búinn að heyra nokkur lög af þessari væntanlegu plötu YYY og þetta er það besta sem ég hef heyrt frá sveitinni.
Lagið heitir "Skeletons" og er að finna í spilaranum hér til vinstri, vessgú
Perhaps one of the most adventurous and inventive tracks the Yeah Yeah Yeahs have ever produced, "Skeletons" features hushed vintage synthesizers dashing back and forth over a sparse piano line and KO's wounded voice poetically begging "love don't cry/skeleton me". The track slowly adds drum-clicks and a distant keyboard line, but never rises to rage and riot, instead containing its feriocity in the lyrics and KO's pained lyrics. The track truly is a triumph for YYY, breaking them completely out of their comfort zone of up-against-the-wall punk to a dreamy art-rock slow burner, sounding at times almost shoegazey with thin layers wafting and drifting over each other with each passing second. The song stretches past the five-minute mark, but when it ends you're not ready for it to be over.
Ómar Ingi, 24.2.2009 kl. 19:25
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.