7.8.2009 | 22:25
Besta žrišja lagiš hingaš til ķ battlinu ķ Meyjunni
Hér eru Viking Giant Show og Land og Synir aš taka frumsamin stušningslög fyrir "stelpurnar okkar" og Finnlands feršina, vel žess virši aš hlusta.
Spilarinn hér til hlišar.
Ps. Land og Synir eru komnir ķ 4 liša śrslit ķ Hljómsveitabattlinu
Meginflokkur: Dęgurmįl | Aukaflokkar: Ķžróttir, Spaugilegt, Tónlist | Facebook
Finnst žetta ekki sanngjarnt. Viking var/er betra band. >:( Nįši inn og kaus žį. Vinkona mķn sem ég talaši viš seinna nįši vķst lķka inn og kaus landogsyni og nśllaši žarmeš mitt atkvęši! Žį er aš vona aš Dikta slįi žį śt pśngana.
Žakka ykkur annars f. aš koma meš Lights innslagiš. Hringdi rakleišis ķ brósa og sendi hann į stašinn til aš kaupa diskinn f. mig (keypti lķka f. sig). Hafmeyjan, connecting ppl.
Ari feiti (IP-tala skrįš) 8.8.2009 kl. 00:33
Midfielder Neil Webb joined Manchester Utd in 1989, and spent two-and-a-half seasons at Old Trafford before rejoining Nottingham Forest. While with the Red Devils, he won the League Cup and UEFA Cup Winners’ Cup, and set up the winner in the 1990 FA Cup final against Crystal Palace.
Since hanging up his boots in 1997, the 46-year-old has worked as a programme seller at the Madejski Stadium, a postman and a forklift truck operator. He has auctioned off much of the memorabilia from his career to raise extra cash, and his FA Cup winners’ medal will go under the hammer next week with an estimated price of £8,000-£10,000.
Webb, who obviously holds little regard for nostalgia, said:
“I don’t want my lads (he has two sons) to fight over them and this way they get to enjoy the benefits of them now. It’s obviously a very hard thing for me to do as they mean a lot to me, but I have got the DVDs of all the games I was involved in. The medals are great fun to have, but it’s time to let other people get enjoyment from them as well.”
If you fancy owning a medal that you didn’t earn, head to Cameo Auctioneers in Midgham next Tuesday. You ought not to have too much competition - the same medal was expected to reach £6,000 at auction in London last year, but it failed to reach its reserve price.
Ómar Ingi, 16.8.2009 kl. 22:49
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.